Seattle Area Day Trips
Sunny Days

Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Seattle Waterfront and Water Taxi

I’m going to be totally honest here, the Seattle Waterfront is really not my favorite. It’s so touristy, dirty, and for me it’s just not authentically Seattle. Now that the viaduct is down I hope this will improve a bit. But there are a few things that make the trip worthwhile – whether it’s just your family on a random Saturday, a mom/kid’s playdate on a Tuesday, or if you have visitors in from out of town, this day trip is a good way to explore the Seattle Waterfront.

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Day Trip to San Juan Island

In my (humble) opinion, there is no place more beautiful in the entire world than the San Juan Islands in Washington State. The water, beaches, tree-lined islands, mountains in the background! A ferry crossing by (if you’re lucky, maybe an orca!) – it’s breathtaking. Now, I realize I’m a native pacific northwest girl, and I’m a bit partial… but even if you don’t totally agree with me, a day trip to Friday Harbor is still a great way to visit the San Juans.

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Sunny Day, Day Trips Annie Dolan Sunny Day, Day Trips Annie Dolan

Seafair Weekend: Thursday at the Museum of Flight

I have 3 boys. My life is air planes, cars, air planes, cars, boats, air planes, cars… So Seafair weekend in Seattle is a big deal in our family. This summer air and water festival that has been a tradition in Seattle for 70 years. Blue Angels flying overhead the first weekend of August is quintessential “Seattle” and this Thursday at the Museum of Flight is our favorite way to experience the Blue Angels.

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Discovery Park and Ballard Locks

Growing up in Seattle gives you a unique appreciation for anything to do with the water. My Chicago husband still doesn’t understand my love of a ‘Northwest’ beach: Flipping over rocks! Discovering tidal pools! Building a driftwood fort! “Where’s the sand??” he says. But moms know that this environment is perfect for young explorers.

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Day trip to Whidbey Island

Whidbey Island is just 30 miles north of Seattle and super easy to access either by ferry from Mukilteo or bridge across Deception Pass. This makes it perfect for a day trip with little ones. Read on for everything you need to know for an adventure to Whidbey!

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Woodland Park Zoo

Hopefully this post will be my least viewed, because you are already regular visitors to the Woodland Park Zoo. If for some crazy reason you are not, it’s time to get to it! Seattle has a great zoo right near the Greenlake neighborhood. It’s not a huge place and can be experienced in a half day. But the exhibits are really well done and they have some great animals.

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Washington Park Arboretum

Did you know that hidden in Seattle’s Montlake neighborhood is a beautiful botanical garden??  This 230 acre Arboretum has surprisingly become one of my boy’s favorite outings – last time we went my 6-year-old said: “mom, this is my 2nd most favorite place in the whole world!” (his #1 favorite place at the time was our newly painted laundry room… so grain of salt…).  But this somewhat unconventional day trip is actually stock-full of activities kids really enjoy. 

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Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan Day Trips, Sunny Day Annie Dolan

Hikes in the Issaquah Alps

Over the years living in Sammamish, I have put together a little go-to list of some easy hikes that I like to take with my boys. Many are within city parks but still somehow manage to put you on a trail where you feel like you’re deep in the woods. And because you’re not 2 hours into the Cascade Mountains you normally also get well maintained paths and super low crowds. There’s nothing worse to me than driving to some great trail head and then enjoying it with hundreds of other hikers…

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